One of the main reasons property owners switch over to solar is inflation. Inflation is not a concern when switching over to solar. If you purchased your solar and battery system with cash or financing, you will not be subject to any inflation to price. The only inflation you would face would be an increased value to your home that is assessed when the property is sold, which will not increase your property tax. However, the leasing program does have an inflation rate of 3.5% per year. In comparison to without solar, Californians without solar are facing 15-17% inflation per year along with additional fees.
When the power goes out, you don't have to be left in the dark. The solar battery backup systems can keep your essentials running smoothly even during an outage. The fear of a power outage is eliminated by a battery system. Plus, they can help you save money on your energy bills in the long run by storing unused energy and used during after production hours. The stored energy will replace the energy pulled from the grid during the night. In turn, your property will be powered by the energy it produces 24/7.
Each home is different and requires different needs. The importance of a tailored system is to ensure that the energy needs of property owners both residential and commercial are met. Also, most clients tend to increase their usage after deciding to transition to solar. Understanding these changes allows for both parties to understand exactly what they can expect their property to produce in order to achieve maximum efficiency and savings. Also, we compare the best options available to each client based on geographic location, quality of equipment, property profile, and pricing. Our process includes 3 different tailored system and design reports to give the property owner options on what may best suit their needs and future plans.
The reduction to your energy bill is significant. Property owners both residential and commercial will save immediately and long term. Most energy providers utilize a tier system which bases the price of your energy per consumption. The first tier being the lowest price ranging from $0.27 per kW to $0.42. After you have passed that threshold on consumption, then you will be forced to pay the more expensive tier 2 pricing and so forth. On average, Californians are paying $0.45 per kW and are receiving an inflation rate of 15-17%. In comparison to switching to solar, you can be paying at most $0.25 per kW or less depending on your plan. Essentially, you will be paying wholesale pricing instead of retail pricing.
Under the leasing option and prepaid lease, the repairs and maintenance will be under the responsibility of the installer. The leasing program is popular due to the liability being on the installer. In the rare event of a system failure or technical issue, the installer will be available to inspect and conduct the required repairs and maintenance needed to keep your system producing as agreed upon. The fee for repairs and maintenance is the reason for the 3.5% per year increase under the leasing option, so you do not have to come out of pocket for the repairs and maintenance. The repairs and maintenance for the prepaid lease are already covered by your initial payment.
Utilizing the power of the sun to produce your energy reduces the amount of CO2 emissions damaging our planet significantly. The amount of CO2 emissions produced through the manufacturing process is reclaimed after 3 years in operation. As a result, you will be producing less than 20x the amount of pollution traditional energy generation by coal and 12x by natural gas over the course of 22 years on your 25-year plan. The impact of switching to solar benefits both your generation and the future generations lives. We show you how immense your impact to the environment is within your tailored system and design report.
The benefits of switching to solar include eliminating generation fees, transportation fees, and delivery fees that are pushed onto consumers of traditional energy companies. Eliminating these fees reduces your monthly bill significantly and allows you to pay for solely the price of your energy.
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